Friday, December 4, 2009

Ever seen a face that just seems all-too-familiar? Not unusual for me at the regular ACORE policy forums here on Capitol Hill. The American Council On Renewable Energy tends to bring in The Usual Suspects for its major events, big guns like Google's Dan Reicher and this year's keynotes, White House Climate Advisor Carol Browner and Senate Energy Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman. So in addition to getting in on some deep policy discussions, I tend to see a lot of familiar faces there.

Recently, I was researching something through the ACORE website and caught a glimpse of someone I thought I knew. The picture was in a rotating series of photos, so I had a few seconds to consider exactly whom I'd seen before the pic returned to the screen. The owner of the face that spoke so poignantly to me? Well, his mug's right in the middle of the above landscape.

Turns out ACORE was promoting this year's policy forum agenda with shots of last year's event. And at last year's event, as you can see, I interviewed Iowa Governor Chet Culver. Apparently, during our conversation about the wind and ethanol industries in his home state, someone snapped a few photos. Nice shots, too.

Notice that I'm eye-to-eye with the Governor? Kind of unusual at 6'4", when interviewing politicians (or anyone outside the NBA, I guess). Turns out Gov. Culver is a fellow Virginia college football alum, though he played in The Big Time at Virginia Tech.

Hokie, Hokie, High.