Friday, August 7, 2009

Complaints From the Car Coach

Recognize her? Not even given the fact that she's behind the wheel? OK, well, I probably wouldn't have either. But I bet you know her voice.

Lauren Fix is The Car Coach. She's online, on the radio, and all over cable these days talking about Cash For Clunkers. Suffice it to say she's not a fan.

This morning I talked to Lauren during The Energy Report and we had the chance to really dig deep into some of the complaints about the CARS program. From the Right: new car buyers are choosing Detroit's vehicles only 45% of the time so far. From the Left: an average of 61% better fuel efficiency between trade-ins and new vehicles isn't enough. And from Lauren: we're trashing car parts that could be put back on the market.

Despite The Car Coach's protestations, President Obama signed the funding extension bill this morning. The Administration says that means that roughly 14 hours after the Senate passed the $2-billion measure, Clunkers now has enough money to run through Labor Day. Then again, the government predicted that the original $1-billion in funding would last until November.

Lauren also dropped another tidbit, one that had me sputtering to get more specific information out of her. You can see what she said in our interview here, at

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